however , it is also said that water drainage is better if the edge is not cut cleanly . しかし、切りそろえないほうが水はけはいい、とも言われている。
before the set-up of the ninsokuyoseba , there used to be a system called mizukaeninsoku (laborers for water drainage ) of sado gold mine , which was designed to isolate and rehabilitate the homeless . 人足寄場の設置以前には、無宿の隔離及び更生政策として佐渡金山への水替人足の制度があった。
it is believed that ' anoshu ' who were living in sakamoto located at the bottom of mt . hiei were from korea and technically excelled at constructing stonewalls for strength and great water drainage rather than for appearance , using various sized natural stones as they were . があるというが、比叡山の麓・坂本の「穴太衆(あのうしゅう)」は朝鮮系の渡来人とも言われ、大小の自然石をそのまま使って体裁よりも頑丈さ・水はけの良さでの石組み技術に卓越していた。